Occurs when a new survey is created.
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
Survey |
The survey for which the event is triggered. |
Survey | |
WebhookId |
The id of the webhook which triggered this request |
integer | |
EventName |
The EventName which triggered this request |
string | |
Links |
HATEOAS related to this object. It wil contain relevant url's such as previous and next page for paged results, create/update/delete action. These url's can be used in your application for the next steps in your application logic. |
Hateoas |
{ "Survey": { "Id": 1, "Title": "sample string 2", "SurveyStatusId": 3, "CreateDate": "2025-02-07T17:47:06.7807647Z", "LastModifyDate": "2025-02-07T17:47:06.7807647Z", "StartDate": "2025-02-07T17:47:06.7807647Z", "EndDate": "2025-02-07T17:47:06.7807647Z", "IsTrial": true, "PanelistCount": 1, "RespondentCount": 1, "CreatedBy": "sample string 4", "QuestionCount": 1, "Channels": { "ViaEmail": { "IsActive": true }, "ViaWeb": { "IsActive": true }, "ViaPaper": { "IsActive": true }, "ViaTelephone": { "IsActive": true }, "ViaKiosk": { "IsActive": true }, "ViaSms": { "IsActive": true }, "ViaPanelProvider": { "IsActive": true } }, "Options": { "AllowEditingResponses": true, "AllowMultipleSubmissions": true, "MaximumRespondents": 1, "MaximumCompletes": 1, "AnonymousPanel": true, "CooldownInDaysAfterInvitation": 1, "CooldownInDaysAfterResponse": 1, "ShowQuestionNumbering": true, "ScoreMax": 7.0 }, "Questions": [ { "$id": "1", "Id": 1, "DataLabel": "sample string 2", "Language": "sample string 3", "QuestionTypeId": 4, "Caption": "sample string 5", "Required": true, "DataTypeId": 7, "ScaleTypeId": 64, "Hidden": true, "MinValue": 1, "MaxValue": 1, "PageNumber": 8, "OrderNumber": 9, "QuestionNumber": 10, "ParentQuestionId": 11, "UseSentimentScore": true, "SubQuestions": [ { "$ref": "1" }, { "$ref": "1" } ], "QuestionResponses": [ { "ResponseId": 2, "Caption": "sample string 3", "Hidden": true, "Other": true, "NotApplicable": true, "Order": 1, "Value": 1.0, "ScaleValue": 1 }, { "ResponseId": 2, "Caption": "sample string 3", "Hidden": true, "Other": true, "NotApplicable": true, "Order": 1, "Value": 1.0, "ScaleValue": 1 } ] }, { "$ref": "1" } ], "RespondentVisibility": { "ShowContactId": true, "ShowEmail": true, "ShowLastname": true, "ShowFirstname": true, "ShowPanelistStatus": true, "ShowLang": true, "ShowDateOfBirth": true, "ShowCustomField1": true, "ShowCustomField2": true, "ShowCustomField3": true, "ShowCustomField4": true, "ShowCustomField5": true, "ShowCustomField6": true, "ShowCustomField7": true, "ShowCustomField8": true, "ShowCustomField9": true, "ShowCustomField10": true, "ShowCustomField11": true, "ShowCustomField12": true, "ShowCustomField13": true, "ShowCustomField14": true, "ShowCustomField15": true, "ShowCustomField16": true, "ShowCustomField17": true, "ShowCustomField18": true, "ShowCustomField19": true, "ShowCustomField20": true, "ShowDateAdded": true, "ShowDateMailed": true, "ShowDateSawEmail": true, "ShowDateClickedThrough": true, "ShowDateReminded": true, "ShowDateRemindedPartial": true, "ShowDateResponded": true, "ShowDateToExpire": true, "ShowDateToBeInvited": true, "ShowCompletionTime": true, "ShowOs": true, "ShowBrowser": true, "ShowGender": true, "ShowStreet": true, "ShowHouseNumber": true, "ShowSuite": true, "ShowCity": true, "ShowPostalCode": true, "ShowProvince": true, "ShowState": true, "ShowCountryId": true, "ShowPhone": true, "CustomField1Name": "sample string 2", "CustomField2Name": "sample string 3", "CustomField3Name": "sample string 4", "CustomField4Name": "sample string 5", "CustomField5Name": "sample string 6", "CustomField6Name": "sample string 7", "CustomField7Name": "sample string 8", "CustomField8Name": "sample string 9", "CustomField9Name": "sample string 10", "CustomField10Name": "sample string 11", "CustomField11Name": "sample string 12", "CustomField12Name": "sample string 13", "CustomField13Name": "sample string 14", "CustomField14Name": "sample string 15", "CustomField15Name": "sample string 16", "CustomField16Name": "sample string 17", "CustomField17Name": "sample string 18", "CustomField18Name": "sample string 19", "CustomField19Name": "sample string 20", "CustomField20Name": "sample string 21" }, "DefaultLang": "sample string 7", "ClientRef": "sample string 8", "SurveyFolderId": 1 }, "WebhookId": 2, "EventName": "sample string 3" }